Members Area

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Thank-you for subscribing as a Passion Trust Member.

As a member, you will benefit from all the exclusive resources right here in the Members Area. You’ll find regularly updated high-quality resources and advice that we hope will bless you and your Passion Play team. You help make this possible, thank-you.

Premium Resources

Getting Started

Download our comprehensive guide that has all you need to know about putting on a new play. It covers all aspects of rehearsal and production and more.

PR & Media

PR and Marketing is all about creativity – the process of developing a communications strategy may always be the same but the ideas generated are what will set you apart and get you coverage.


The Passion Trust can advertise your event and website on our site. We’d love to create a dedicated page and add your Passion Play to the calendar.


Q and A regarding how to cast for a successful Passion Play from videos filmed at a recent Passion Trust Conference.


Q and A regarding manage the technical elements for a successful Passion Play including practical and legal issues.


Learn where to start, how to progress and see what other people have created. The best scripts come from your understanding and passion for what you are reading, and this will come through in your play.

Learn from Others

The Passion Trust Conferences have some helpful advice from people who have been putting on Passion Plays for years and from others who are putting on Passion Plays for the first time.


The Passion Trust Conference brings together key people who perform, produce and support passion plays around the country. In this section, view transcripts and video highlights from previous Passion Plays.

Watch Passion Plays

Watch previous Passion Plays in their entirety. This section will have new Passion Plays added regularly.


Learn the basics on how to recruit and best-welcome volunteers into the running of a Passion Play. This section contains handy video highlights as well as documents with further information.


Top Tips, multiple fundraising documents, links to potential funders and much, much more.


Choirs and background music – all the help and links are here.

Roman Soldiers

Learn more about how to utilise Roman Soldiers in your Passion Play with the help of Colchester Roman Society in partnership with the Passion Trust.

Disability Inclusion

This section is still under development, but more content is on its way! Watch this space.


This section is still under development, but more content is on its way! Watch this space.

Other Resources

Find links and connections to other free resources out there to help Passion Plays and productions in the UK.

Our Resources, for you

[eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-sitemap” align_text=”text-right” element_title=”Getting Started” element_description=”Learn the basics of what makes up a Passion Play and where you can start when hosting one in your own town or city!”][eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-building-o” align_text=”text-right” element_title=”PR and Media” element_description=”See what other people have achieved with Passion Plays and pull on some of their resources to help fuel your own Passion Play”][eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-star” align_text=”text-right” element_title=”Marketing” element_description=”Get a bigger picture of how to market and brand your Passion Play as well as tips and advice on how to present your play publicly”][eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-users” align_text=”text-right” element_title=”Casting” element_description=”Understand how to cast a large or small scale Passion Play with advice and guidelines from previous Passion Play hosts”]

[eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-calendar” align_text=”text-left” element_title=”Conferences ” element_description=”Learn about the annual conference dedicated to helping aspiring and current Passion Play hosts with guest from around the world”][eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-money” align_text=”text-left” element_title=”Fundraising” element_description=”Learn fundraising tips, how to apply for grants and advice from previous Passion Play hosts on how to fund a Passion Play”][eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-book” align_text=”text-left” element_title=”Scripts” element_description=”Read and adapt current scripts for Passion Plays that have been used across the UK for small and large scale Passion Plays”][eventco_facts icon_picked=”fa fa-plus-circle” align_text=”text-left” element_title=”And more!” element_description=”And much more, including Technical Assistance, Free Resources, Audience Management, Volunteers and Disability Inclusion”]
