Bringing the true meaning of Easter to life for every town and every city across the UK.
Over the last 10 years, we have supported over 100 plays across the UK. Contact us for free advice, workshops, and online resources.
Community theatre is a unique form of theatre, and Easter performances of Passion plays exemplify its value and relevance. The focus is on the process of rehearsing as much as the final product of performance. Large amateur casts receive training and mentorship during rehearsals. The rehearsal process involves marginalised or disadvantaged members of the local community.

Passion Plays help address the lack of biblical literacy in the UK. They also bring to life the heritage that is often forgotten. According to a study undertaken by YouGov in 2014, 43% of children who took part indicated that they have never seen, read or heard the story of the Crucifixion. Over 60% of children indicated they had not read, seen or heard the Feeding of the 5,000 (61%) or the Good Samaritan (61%).

Passion Plays are great ways to connect with new audiences and people from your local community. Professional theatre companies are often involved and help build relationships with people of faith. For all involved, it is a unique and rewarding experience to work with large casts, outdoor city spaces and a host of local volunteers.

Passion Plays provide an opportunity for increased positive dialogue between different faiths in the community. They have a wonderful ability to promote dialogue and inspire new relationships between people of different faiths or none. The plays are a fascinating place for exploration, dialogue and mutual understanding.

Passion Plays present the Christian faith in fresh ways relevant to local communities around the UK. They also give people a chance to participate in re-telling the story or to see it performed at no cost. They also help churches fulfil their mission to reach out to marginalised, isolated or vulnerable people in the community.

The Passion Trust runs training events and conferences. These bring together people who are involved in Passion Plays in all capacities. Whether actors, directors, producers, photographers, journalists, fundraisers, volunteers, script-writers, PR experts & event organisers. These events are the only time in the year to hear from the experts and connect with others.

More about the Passion Trust
The Passion Trust was established in 2010 to support performances of Passion Plays in the United Kingdom. The charity draws together people of all faiths and none to engage with the Easter story. Its activities focus on productions and performances of Passion Plays including community events, major city-wide productions, and tours around the UK.
In the last ten years, the Passion Trust has supported over 100 plays in locations across the UK, bringing the Gospel to life for audiences of tens of thousands of people. Our trustees have been directors, actors, and producers in Passion Plays in Brighton (2010-11), Trafalgar Square (2015-2018), Manchester (2017), Edinburgh (2015-2018), and around the world (Louisiana, Milan, Brazil, Cape Town, and Perth, WA).