What different ways has music been used creatively within Passion Plays?

As recorded at the Passion Conference 2019

Singing the Preston Passion

A group of actor portray Jesus and his disciples walking through Wintershall estate. Jesus rides a donkey.The Preston Passion has a helpful guide to singing and managing a choir.

Music in Passion Plays

A crowd of people at a music festival or passion play holding up their arms and phones.The following explores the way the theme of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Jesus Christ has been treated in vocal music throughout the ages…

Total Choir Resources

Logo for Total Choir Resources, with white and purple letters, and music notes.Total Choir Resources has several articles with useful information for choral conductors, with sections such starting up a choir, managing your, choir, choosing music, choir warm ups, etc.

BBC Guide

The BBC logo, white letters on black squares.BBC Step by step guide to learning how to sing.