A cookbook created from recipes supplied by Aberdeen Passion supporters is sold to fundraise: http://aberdeenpassion.com/blog/cover-features/made-with-passion/
Arrange a themed dinner or evening and charge your guests an entry fee e.g. £20.00 each. Remember to cover your food/ preparation costs.
If you have friends or relatives at a local school, see if they would have a dress-down day. Each child pays £1.00 to avoid school uniform for the day.
Have a car-boot sale selling donated items from friends and family.
You can also see if friends and family are willing to collect sponsorship on your behalf among their friends and family…
Let your colleagues/ clients know about your challenge or make use of the company intranet and newsletters if possible.
Your office may be willing to have a ‘dress-down day’ where everyone pays £3 for the privilege!
If you are a good cook, sell cakes at work…the perfect Friday afternoon treat!
Guess the baby competition – good for a laugh! Ask colleagues to bring a picture of themselves as a baby & people pay £1.00 to fill in an entry form matching names to faces.
If your colleagues are sports fans why not organise an inter-departmental football/ netball/tennis tournament and charge everyone to play?
See if your company offers a match-giving scheme where for every £1.00 you raise your company will sponsor you £1.00 too.
Try writing to your local newspaper with photos and sponsorship details. Or ask your local church/ library/gym to spread the word
Ask your local supermarket if you could wash their customers’ cars while they shop.
Bring out the competitive spirit in everyone and hold a quiz night at a local venue. You can also raise money from activities on the night as well as charging an entrance fee.
Everyone can be involved! Individual sponsorship such as the ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ or fundraising events for children in local churches to raise money.
Create a ‘one-hundred club’, which could ensure a steady trickle of funds each month. A club dedicated to raising 100 each month.